I never found the rip of the module "Windsurf
in C-Minor" from the slide Project Megaran/Reality (by Pete)
How To Rip a Custom Module for a Deliplayer adaptation
- The demo Reality Project Megaran
- The DeliTracker developer lib (Deliplayer.i) found
in Delitracker232.lha (see on Aminet)
- assembler (Devpac - v3 for Includes "Utility")
if you try to rip the mod (with AR or other ripper),
the module is found : "WindSurf in C-Minor" by Pete/Enigma
as a Soundtracker 32 mod
but when you try to listen it in your prefered player,
it doesn't work
with ActionReplay, take a look at the bootblock : RT
0 1 40000
D 4000C
load "main loader" @ B000
quit (x), lets loading and decrunching
D B000

at B0B2, jump to B134
after loading & decrunching, return to B0E0, and
Jump to 53000 (main code)
D B134

here is the 3 parts loading :
@17000 (start block 578 - len block 266)
@44000 (start block 1611 - len block 77)
@C10000 or @90000 (start block 844 - len block 767)
at B1DA, decrunch the datas 17000/44000 and "RTE" return
to B0E0 to start
you can look the data at 17000, 44000 , 90000 :
n 17000
-> the Module ! (or use "Tracker" AR3 ripper)
n 44000
-> IFF file & code
n C10000/90000
-> IFF file
now, disassemble @ 53000
D 53000

search address of module :
FA 17000
: 054A4E, 054AFE, 054BB8
at 53012, 54A4E-5517A is moved to 7F000
here is the Player routine !
is time to save the player to disk
insert a blank floppy and save the data from 54A4E to
SM player,54A4E
save also the module : use tracker to find the size
module total lenght : 289A8
F10 to exit ripper
SM mod.windsurf,17000 289A8
now search the init and play jump at 53000
D 53000
@530E0 :
JSR 7E000
(?! init)
@5311E :
LEA 531A6(pc),a0
move.l a0, $6c.s ; interrupt
D 531A6
@ 531a6:
move.w #10,$dff09c
JSR 7F0AC ; play
now quit AR/winuae or reset and use Devpac to make the
custom player
use a Debugger (monam) to disassemble the player and
get a clean source code
with label in a file : cust.windsurf.s
take a look to the code, the routine seem to be a NoiseTracker
replay routine
use the Custom_NT.s code provided with DeliTracker developper
and replace the NT2 code by the cust.windsurf.s
set the Tag $VER with the name of the custom player
set the module name at the end of the source (mt_data:
incbin "mod.windsurf" note: replace $17000 by mt_data)
and assemble
you get a cust.windsurf bin to use with Deliplayer,
EaglerPlayer, Winamp with OldSkool plugin or XMplay
with DeliX plugin.
the files (deliplayer custom module, custom source,
original module, converted module, converter source)
---------------- Convertion to standard NT module
It's possible to convert the module as real NoiseTracker
module. see the "simpleconverter.s" source
based on Gryzor's DeliWizard converter.
the original player routine is NoiseTracker V.1.0 (not
2.0 !)
the module is a NT1, but with some modifications :
- Pattern Position : normal $3B8 -> $400
- constant MK offset : normal $7F -> $37 (offset
400-3B8=48 / 7F-48 = 37) : Repeat pos @ 2
- songlen : normal pattpos-2 = $3B6 -> $3FE
- Pattern Sequence Table moved forward of 72 bytes
No more differences. The conversion is possible to
NT1 module.
structure - offset / len
00 - 20 : songname:
Sample1: 30 octets (1e)
20 - 22 : smplname: (/) by pete of enigma,0
42 - 02 : smpllen : 4000 .w = 8000 .b = 32 ko
44 - 01 : finetune: 0
45 - 01 : volume : 40 (0-64)
46 - 02 : repeat point : 31e5 .w offset
48 - 02 : repeat lengt : 0e1b .w
50 : "" - 4000 - 0 - 40 - 308a - f56
80 : "" - 7f6 - 0 - 40 - 0 - 1
04: ""
- 1bab - 0 - 2f - 0 - 1
05: "" - 0d00 - 0 - 21 - 0 - 1
06: "" - 0447 - 0 - 2e - 0 - 1
07: "" - 02fe - 0 - 40 - 0 - 1
08: "" - 2d1d - 0 - 36 - 06bd - 244b
09: "" - 3f5e - 0 - 40 - 0102 - 3e5c
10: "" - 0491 - 0 - 1f - 0 - 1
11: "" - 098f - 0 - 3d - 0 - 1
12: "" - 0c35 - 0 - 33 - 0 - 1
13: "" - 0000 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 1
14: "" - 0000 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 1
15: "" - 0000 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 1
16: "" - 0000 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 1
17: "" - 0000 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 1
18: "" -
31: "" - 000
950 ($3b6) -
1 : songlen : $63 (99) (1-128)
951 ($3b7) - 1 : constante MK : normal $7f = ici 01
952 ($3b8) - 128 : song pos Table Pattern : 1,1,0,0,0
$3FE - 1 :
songlen : $1b
$3FF - 1 : 02
$400 - 56 :
table pattern : 0,1,2,2,3,4,6,5,7,8,9,a,b,a,b,c,d,e,2,2,3,4,6,5,c,d,e
normal : 1080 ($438) - 4 : "M.K."
move $3FE - $438 -> $3B6
modify $3B7 : $7F
clear $3D4 -> $438
module is now a NT1