Officiellement*, les fichiers ADF et les logiciels contenus sur ce
site appartiennent aux sociétés et aux personnes qui
les ont conçu et/ou commercialisé. Ils ne sont donc
pas dans le domaine public. Vous n'avez le droit de les télécharger
que dans la mesure où vous possédez déjà
le jeu original et ainsi vous procurer une copie que vous avez légalement
le droit de posséder pour un usage strictement personnel.
Ne téléchargez un logiciel que si vous possédez
*Nota 1: les jeux sur le site sont des originaux patchés/crackés
si necessaire. Certains jeux sont maintenant disponibles dans le domaine
public (cf. Factor5,
Design, Thalion,
Lankhor, Loriciels
- voir aussi BTTR pour une
liste des jeux autorisés par les editeurs).
Si toutefois cela posait un problème, je supprimerai le ou
les fichiers.
**Nota 2: Etant donné que l'Amiga d'origine sur lequel
ces jeux fonctionnaient n'existe plus, et que ces mêmes jeux
ne sont désormais plus commercialisés, ils sont entrés
dans la catégories des Abandonware.
Ce genre d'action ne vise en aucun cas à promouvoir le piratage.
Ces jeux "n'existent" plus et les sites partageant cette
action leurs offrent une seconde vie, pour les générations
trop jeunes, les personnes qui n'ont pas connues cette époque,
puisque les editeurs de ces jeux n'ont pas l'air de vouloir en reparler.
Ce devrait être à eux de faire en sorte que Leurs produits
ne disparaissent pas. (et merde à certains
qui se reconnaîtront sur FCSA)
Certains editeurs n'existent plus R.I.P: Loriciel,
Lankhor ...
*, files ADF and the software contained on this site belong to the
companies and to the people who conceived them and/or marketed. They
are thus not in the public domain. You have the right to download
them only insofar as you have already the original game and thus to
get a copy to you which you have legally the right to have for a strictly
personal use. Download a software only if you have the original **
* Nota 1: the games on the site are patched/cracked originals if necessary.
Certain games are now available in the public domain (cf Factor5,
Gremlin/Core Design, Thalion, Lankhor, Loriciels - to also see BTTR
for a list of the games authorized by the editors). If however that
posed a problem, I will remove the files.
** Nota 2: Being given that Amiga of origin on which these games functioned
does not exist any more, and which these same games from now on are
not marketed any more, they were included in the categories of Abandonware.
This kind of action does not aim to in no case to promote the hacking.
These games "do not exist" any more and the sites sharing
this action their offer one second life, for the too young generations,
the people who did not know this time, since the editors of these
games do not seem to want to speak again about it. It should be with
them to make so that Their products do not disappear.
zip modules
english (by default)
infos/covers zic
play online
GBA * recent
# - A
- B - C - D
- E - F - G
- H - I - J
- K - L - M
- N - O - P
- Q - R - S
- T - U - V
- W - X - Y
- Z - ALL
1000 Miglia - Simulmondo 1991
1869 - Max Design 1992 - BTTR 1943
The Battle of Midway - Probe/US Gold/Capcom 1987 -
Aw 20000
lieues sous les mers - Cocktail Vision -
4x4 OffRoad Racing - Epyx 1988 5th
Gear - Hewson 1988 - 688
Attack Sub - Electronic Arts 1990
7 Cities of Gold - Ozark Software/Electronic Arts
A A-10
Tank Killer - Dynamix 1989 A-320
Airbus - Thalion
A-Type (freeware) - Dexter/Pink 1998 - BTTR
Aardvarks (freeware) - Galaxya Soft 1994 - BTTR Abandoned
Places - Electronic Zoo 1992 - Abandoned
Places 2 - Ice 1993 - Action
Fighter - FireBird 1988 - Action
Service - Cobra Soft 1988 - Addams
Family - Ocean 1992 - Aw Advantage
Tennis - 1991 Adventure
Through Time - Aurum Soft 1989 - BTTR AfterBurner
- Argonaut/Activision/Sega 1988 - BTTR AfterBurner
II - Activision/Sega 1989 - After
the War - Dinamic 1990 - Agony
- Psygnosis/Art & Magic - Aw
- Id
- Al
Aigle d'Or, l - Loriciel
Aigle d'Or 2, le retour - Loriciel AirBall
- Microdeal 1988 - AM
- BTTR AirBucks
- Impressions 1992 - BTTR AirSupply
- Magic Bytes 1990 - BTTR Akira
- ICE 1994 - Aladdin
(AGA) - AW - Alcatraz
- Alien
3 - Probe/Arena Entertainment/Virgin 1992 - AM
Alien Bash 1 - public domain - BTTR
Alien Bash 2 - public domain - BTTR Alien
Breed - Team 17 1991 - Aw
- AM
Alien Breed 92 - Team 17 1992 -
Alien Breed 2 The Horror Continues (ECS/AGA) - Team
17 1993 - AM
Alien Breed Tower Assault (AGA/CD32) - Team 17 1994
Alien Breed 3D - Team17 1995 (AGA/CD32)
Alien Breed 3D 2 The Killing Grounds 1996 (AGA/CD32)
- Team17 - AW
Alien Legion - Pegasus - BTTR
Alien Syndrome - Sega 1987 - BTTR
All New World of Lemmings AGA -
All Terrain Racing (ATR) - Team 17 1995 -
Altered Beast - Activision/Sega 1989 - BTTR
- AM
Amazing SpiderMan - Oxford Digital 1990 -
Amegas - Reline Soft. 1987 -
Amiganoïd - Digital Illusions 1993 - BTTR
Amnios - 1991
World - Delphine Soft./Eric Chahi 1990 -
- AM
- Id
Antago - Art of Dreams 1990 - AM
Apocalypse - Virgin Games/Miracle Games -
(genre Choplifter)
Apache Flight - 1992
Apidya - Kaïko/Team17 1993 - Aw
- AM
- Al
Apple Hunt (ALE) - BTTR
Apprentice - Rainbow Arts 1990 -
Aquakon - 1995
Aquaventura - Psygnosis 1992 - AM
Arabians Nights - Krisalis 1993 -
Arazok's Tomb - 1987
Arcade Classics
Arcade Pool - Team 17 1994
Arcade Pool (AGA/CD32) - Team 17
Arcade Pool 2 (PC Only)
Arcade Snooker AGA - Team 17 - 1995
Archer McLean Pool -
Archipelagos - Astral Sof/Logotron 1989 -
Arctic Fox - Electronic Arts 1986
Arkanoïd - Dicovery Soft/Broderbund 1987 - BTTR
- AM
Arkanoïd 2, Revenge of Doh - Imagine 1988 - AM
Armalyte -
Armour Geddon - Psygnosis 1991 - BTTR
Army Moves - Imagine 1987 -
Arnhem - CCS 1985 - BTTR
Arthur Quest for Escalibur - Infocom 1987 - BTTR
Artura - Arcadia/Gremlin 1988 - BTTR
Assassin - Team 17 1992 -
Assassin Special Ed. - Team 17 -
* Assimilation - 1997
Astate - New Deal -
Atomic - Thalion
1990 - Aw
Atomic RoboKid - Activision 1990 - BTTR * Atrophy - 1996 (unrelease) Awesome
- Psygnonis/Reflections 1990 - Aw
- AM
Axel's Magic Hammer - Core Design/Gremlin 1991 - BTTR
Baal - Psyclapse/Psygnosis 1988 - AM
Baba Yaga - Cocktail Vision 1991
Baby Joe in 'Going home' - Loriciel 1991 -
Bad Cat - Rainbow Arts 1987
BadLands - Domark 1990
Back to the Future 2 - Image Works 1990 -
Bad Company - Logotron 1989 -
Ballistix - Psyclapse/Psygnosis 1989 - AM
Ballyhoo - Infocom 1986 - BTTR
BallRaider - Diamond Soft. 1987
BallRaider 2 - Diamond Soft. 1988
BandiMania - Mental Images 1994 - BTTR
Banshee (AGA) - Core Design 1994 - BTTR
Banshee CD32 - Core Design 1994 - Acdldp
Barbarian - Palace Soft. 1987 - Aw
Barbarian - Psygnosis 1987 -
Barbarian 2 - Palace Soft 1989 -
Barbarian 2 - Psygnosis 1991 -
Bargon Attack - Cocktail Vision -
BartSimpson VS World - Ocean
Base Jumpers (AGA) - Rasputin 1994 - * Basket Island - syndrome/silicon
1996 (unrelease)
B.A.T - UbiSoft
B.A.T 2 The Bureau of Astral Troubleshooters 1994
Batman Caped Crusaders - Ocean 1988-
Batman Returns - Konami 1993 -
Batman The Movie
Battle Chess - Interplay 1988 - AM
Battle Chess 2 - 1991 -
Battle Command - Ocean/Realtime 1990 - BTTR
Battle Squadron - Innerprise/Electronic Arts 1989
- Aw
- AM
Battletech - Infocom/Westwood 1988 - AF
BC Kid - hudson soft/Factor
5 1992 -
Beach Volley - Ocean 1989 - Aw
Beast Busters - Activision 1990 - BTTR
Beyond The Ice Palace - Elite 1988 -
Beneath a Steel Sky - Revolution Soft 1994 - BTTR
Beneath a Steel Sky CD32 - Revolution Soft/Virgin
1994 - Acdldp
Benefactor - Core Design/Digital Illusion 1994 - BTTR
Bermuda Project
Bio Challenge - Delphine soft. 1989 - AM
Bionix 2 The Challenge (freeware) - Mirage 1989 -
Big Run - Storm/Sales Curve 1991 -
Biplanes - DP P.Mason 1990
Birds of Prey - Electronics Art
Black Cauldron, The - Sierra 1987 - BTTR
Black Crypt - Raven Soft 1992 - BTTR
Black Sect - Lankhor
1993 - BTTR
- Av
Black Tiger - US Gold - 1989 - Aw
* Black Viper (AGA) - Neo Soft/Lightshocksoft 1996
* Blade - Alive Mediasoft/Scorpius Soft 1997 - BTTR
Blades of Steel
Blastar - Core Design 1993 - BTTR
Blob (AGA) (freeware) - Dan & Den soft 1998 -
BlockShock - KingSoft 1991 - BTTR
BloodFest - 1995 - BTTR
Blood Money - Psygnosis/DMA Design 1989 - Aw
- AM
* BloodNet (AGA) -
AW -
BlueBerry - Infogrames 1988
Blues Brothers, the - Titus 1991 -
Bobo - Infogrames 1989 -
Body Blows - Team17 1993
Body Blows Galactic - Team 17 1993 -
Bomb Mania - MegArts 1995 - BTTR
BombJack - Elite 1988 - AM
Bomb X - MediaGogo (BomberMan) 1993
Booly - Loriciels
Boppin' - Karmasoft/Accursed Toys 1991 - BTTR
Boron (AGA)
Borrowed Time - Activision/Interplay 1985 - BTTR
Boscar (AGA) - 1996
Boston -
Botics - Krisalis Soft. 1990
BoulderDash C64 - 1994 - AM
BoulderDash collection 1 - BTTR
BoulderDash collection 2 - BTTR
BoulderDash collection 3
Bouncing Bill - nonamesoft 1991
BrainBall - Travelling Bits 1991
BrainMan - MegArts 1995 - BTTR
Brainies, the - Titus 1991
Brat - Image Works 1991
Brataccas - Psygnosis 1990
Breathless (AGA) - 1995
Breed 96 - 1996
Brian the Lion - Psygnosis/Reflections 1994
Brian the Lion AGA
Brutal Paws of Fury -
Bubble Bobble - Taïto/Firebird 1987 - AM
Bubble Ghost -
Bubba 'n Stix - Core Design 1993 - BTTR
Bubble 'n Squeak (AGA) - 1994
Bubble Ghost - 1988
Bubble Gun - 1994
* Bubbles Heroes (2000)
Buck Rogers XXVC - 1990
Budokan The Martial Spirit - Electronic Arts 1989
- Aw
Bug Bash - Microdec/Mutation Soft 1990 - BTTR
Bug Bomber - KingSoft 1991 - BTTR
Buggles - 1995
Bump 'n Burn - 1994
Bureaucracy - Infocom 1987 - BTTR
Burning Rubber - 1993
Burn Time ECS/AGA - Max Design 1993/94 - BTTR
* BurnOut AGA - Vulcan Soft.
* Burton Bird - 1997
Cabal - Ocean 1989 - AM
Cadaver - Bitmap Brothers/Image Works1990 -
Cadaver (AGA) - Bitmap Brothers 1990
Cadaver the Last Supper (freeware) - Soldiers of Hell
1991 - BTTR
Caesar - Impressions 1992 - BTTR
* Calidan HD - 1999
Campaign - 1993
Campain II (AGA)
Cannon Fodder - Virgin/Sensible Soft 1993 -
Cannon Fodder HD -
Cannon Fodder 2 - Virgin/Sensible 1994
Cannon Fodder 2 alien edition
Cannon Fodder new levels
Cannon Fodder 2 not very festive 1995
Cannon Fodder Soccer
Capone - 1988
Captain America - Paragon Soft 1987 -
Captain Blood, l'Arche du - Exxos (now cryo) - Av
Captain Dynamo - Codemasters 1992 -
Captain Fizz
Captain Planet and the planeteers - Mindscape 1991
Captive - Mindscape 1990 -
Captive 2 Liberation - Mindscape 1994 -
Capital Punishment AGA (HD) - pxl 1996
Capone - Actionware 1988
Carcharodon White sharks - Sillicon Warrior/Demonware
1991 -
Carnage - 1995 - BTTR
Carrier Command - Rainbird/Realtime Games 1988 - BTTR
Cartoons, The - 1993
Car Vup - Core Design 1990 - BTTR
Castle of Dr. Brain (educ.) - Sierra - BTTR
* Castle Kingdoms - Mutation Soft 1997 - BTTR
Castlevania - 1990
Castle Warrior - Sierra 1989
Catacomb - 1992
Cedric and the lost sceptre - neo soft. 1995
Celica GT Rally - Gremlin 1990 - BTTR
Celtic Legend
Chambers of Shaolin - Thalion
1989 - BTTR
- Aw
- AM
Chaneques - 1994
Chaos - 1998
Chaos Engine,The - Bitmap Brothers/Renegade 92/93
- Aw
Chaos Engine, The (AGA) - Bitmap Brothers/Renegade
Chaos Engine 2, The (AGA) - Bitmap Bros/Renegade 1996
Chaos Strikes Back - Ftl - 1989/90 -
Charlie J Cool - 1994
Charlie J Cool (AGA) - 1996
Chase HQ
Chase HQ 2
Chuck Rock - Core Design 1991 - BTTR
Chuck Rock 2, son of chuck - Core Design 1993 - BTTR
- AM
Classic Games Vol 1
Clown'o mania - Starbyte 1989 -
Coala ECS/AGA - 1995
Coarse Angler - 1995
Codename : IceMan - Sierra 1989 - BTTR
* Codename Nano AGA (HD) - 1995
* Code Name Hell Squad - Digital
Dreams 2000
Cohort 2 - 1993
CoinMania - 1995
Colonel's Bequest, The (Laura Bow 1) - Sierra 1989
- Laura Bow 1 Colonel's Bequest - 1989
- Laura Bow 2 Dagger of Amon Ra - 1991 (PC Only)
Colonia Conquest - 1993
Colonia Conquest 2 - 1994
Colonization -
Colorado -
Colossus Chess X - CDS 1989 - BTTR
Combat Air Patrol -
Combo Racer - Gremlin 1990 - BTTR
Commando - Elite 1989 -
* Conquest AGA (HD) - 1997
Conquest of Camelot - Sierra 1990 - BTTR
Conquest of LongBow : Adventures of Robin Hood - Sierra
Cool Spot - Ocean 1993
Cool World - Ocean 1992
Corporation - Core Design 1990 - BTTR
Corx - Starbyte 1992 - AM
Cosmic SpaceHead
Cover Girl Strip Pocker - Unreal/Emotional Pic 1991
Crack - Linel 1988 - BTTR
Crazy Cars 1 - Titus 1989 -
Crazy Cars 2 - Titus 1989 - Aw
Crazy Cars 3 - Titus -
Crazy Sue - 1991 - BTTR
Crazy Sue 2 Goes on - 1992 - BTTR
Creatures -
Creepy -
Crime Doesn't Pay
Crime Wave
Croisière pour un cadavre - Delphine Soft.
91 -
- AD
- Av
- Aw
Cruise for a corps - Delphine Soft. -
Crystal Dragon - 1994
Crystal Hammer - Hannover 1987 -
Crystals of Arborea - 1990
Curse of Enchantia - Core Design 1992 - BTTR
Cyberblast - Innerprise - BTTR
Cybernauts - KingSoft 1989 - BTTR
Cybernetix - Vision Soft 1991 - BTTR
Cybernoïd the fighting machine - Hewson 1988
Cybernoïd 2 -
CyberPunks - Core Design/Mutation Soft 1994 - BTTR
Dan Dare III the escape - Virgin Mastertronic 1990
Dangerous Streets
Darius + - Edge 1989
Dark Century - Titus 1990 -
Darkmere - Core Design 1992/93 -
Darkman -
* Dark Obsession (AGA) - 1996
Dark Queen of Krynn - 1992
Darkseed - BS
- Av
Darkside -
Datastorm - Visionnary Design -
Dawn - 1996
Dawn 6 Hellbound
Dawn Patrol - 1994
* Dawn Video Poker - Dawnbringer 1999 (freeware) -
* Dawn Video Poker 2 - Dawnbringer 2000
Days of Thunder - 1990
DeadLine - Infocom 1983 - BTTR
Death Angel - 1995
Death Bringer
Death Knights of Krynn - 1991
Death Mask - Apache Soft. 1995 -
Death Trap - Anco 1990 - BTTR
Deep Core - Ice Soft -
Defender of Crown - Mindscape 1986 -
- Aw
Defender of Earth
Deflektor - Gremlin 1988 - BTTR
Deliverance - 21st century - BTTR Deluxe
Galaga -
Denaris - Rainbow Arts 1989
Dennis the menace ESC/AGA - 1993
Desert Strike
Detroit ECS/AGA - Impressions 1994 - BTTR
Deuteros - Activision 1991 - BTTR
D/Generation -
Diabolik - Simulmondo 1992/93 -
Diggers, The (AGA)
Disc of Tron - Loriciel
1990 -
- Id
Disposable Hero - Gremlin/Euphoria 1993 - BTTR
* DNA Variety of Life AGA -
Dogs of War - Elite 1990 - AM
Dojo Dan - Europress 1992 - BTTR
Donald Duck's Playground
Donk the Samuraï Duck AGA/ECS - Supervision 1993
Donkey Kong - 1992
Donkey Kong - 1993
Doodle Bug - Core Design/Mutation Soft. 1993 - BTTR
Double Dragon - 1989 -
Double Dragon 2 - 1990
Double Dragon 3 Rosetta Stone - 1991
Double Dribble - 1990
Double Shuffle - 1995
Dragon Breed - Activision 1989 - BTTR
- AM
Dragon's Breath - Palace Soft. 1990
Dragon's Lair - Ready Soft 1987
Dragon's Lairs 1 Escape from Single's Castle - Ready
Soft. 1989
Dragon's Lairs 2 Time Warp - Ready Soft. 1990
Dragon's Lairs 3 Curse of the Mordread - Ready Soft.
Dragon Ninja - Imagine 1988 - Aw * Dragon's Slayer - Linel
1988 (unrelease)
DragonStone - Core Design 1994 - BTTR
Drakkhen - Infogrames -
Dreamweb AGA - Empire Soft. 1995
Driller - Incentive soft. 1988 -
Druid 2 Enlightment - FireBird 1988 -
Dr Who - Accursed Toys 1992 - BTTR
Duck Tales
Dungeon Masters - Flt 1987 - Aw
- AM
Dungeon Quest - Image Tech 1990 - As1
Dune - Cryo 1992 -
Am - Av
- Aw
- Id
Dune 2 - Westwood 1993 -
Dynablaster (BomberMan) - Hudson Soft 1990/91 - Aw
- AM
Dynamite Dux - Activision/Sega 1989 - BTTR
Dynamite Warrior's - Andre Wiethoff - AM
Dynasty War
Eagle's Rider - Microïds 1990 -
* Earth 2140 - APS
Eco a game of survival 1987
Elf -
Elfmania - Renegade 1994 -
- Id
Eliminator - Hewson 1989 - BTTR
Elvira arcade game - Flair Soft. 1991 -
Elvira 1, Mistress of the dark - Horror Soft/Accolade
1990 - Av
- AM
Elvira 2, the Jaws of Cerberus - Hor. Soft/Accolade
1992 - Am
- Av
Elvira 3, WaxWorks - Horror Soft 1992 - Av
Emerald Mine - KingSoft 1987 - BTTR
Emerald Mine 2 - KingSoft 1988 - BTTR
Emeraude Empire - 1990
Emmanuelle - Tomhawk 1990 -
E-Motion (Sphericule) - Assembly Line/US Gold 1990
- Aw
Enchanted Land - Thalion 1990
Enchanter - Infocom 1983 - BTTR
Entity - Am
Epic - Ocean 1992 - Aw * Esairs XII - Arcane 1994
Escape from Colditz - Digital Magic Soft. - AM
Escape from the Planet of Robots Monsters - Domark/Tengeen
Evil's Doom (AGA) - 1995
Evolution Gyser - KingSoft 1987 - BTTR
Executioner, The - 1991
* Exile ECS/AGA - Andiogenic 1995 - BTTR
- AM
Exodus 3010 - DemonWare 1992
Exolon - Hewson 1989 - AM
Explora 1 (Quest For Time) -
- Av
Explora 2 - Infomedia - AD
- Av
Explora 3 sous le signe du serpent - Infomedia -
Extase - Exxos - Id
* Exodus The Last War AGA (1999)
- * Extractors : the hanging
world of zarg - 1995 CD32 (unrelease)
Eye of the Beholder - Westwood/SSI 1990 - Aw
- AM
Eye of the Beholder 2 - Westwood/SSI - AM
F1 - Domark
F-17 Challenge - Team 17/Holodream Soft. 1993 - AM
F-117 -
F-16 Combat Pilot - Digital Integration 1989 - BTTR
FA-18 Interceptor - Electronic Arts 1988 - Aw
F-29 Retaliator - Ocean 1989 - Aw
Fantasy Flyer - 1993
Fascination - Cocktail Vision 1991 - Av
Fatman - BlackLegend/MuffBusters 1994 - BTTR
Fears AGA -
Feary Tales Adventure - Micro Illusions 1986 - Aw
Fields of Glory -
Fiendish Freddy's - Fiendish Freddy's 1989 - AM
Fighter Bomber - VectorGrafix/Activision 1991 - BTTR
Fighter Command - Impressions/Golden Sector 1991 -
Fightin' Spirit (AGA) - NeoSoft/Lightshock Soft 1996
Fighting Soccer - Activision 1990 - BTTR
Final Command - UbiSoft 1990 -
Final Fight -
Fire & Brimstone - Microprose -
Fire & Forget
Fire & Forget 2
Fire & Ice - GraftGold/Renegade 1992 - BTTR
- Aw
Fire & Ice Xmas - GraftGold/Renegade 1992 - BTTR
Fire Power - Micro Illusions 1987 -
First Samuraï, the - Vivid Image/Image Works
1991 - BTTR
- Aw
- AM
Fish - Magic Scrolls 1988 -
Five-A-Side Soccer - CroTeam 1998 - BTTR
FlashBack: The Quest for Identity
- Delphine/US Gold 92 - Aw
Flight of the Amazone Queen -
Flight Simulator 2 - Microsoft
Flimbo's Quest - System 3 1990
* Flink AGA/CD32 - Psygnosis 1996
Flinstone, the - Granslam 1988
Flip-It & Magnose water-carrier from mars - Image
Works 1989
Flood - Bullfrog 1990 - AM
Floor 13 - Virgin Games 1992
Flying Shark - FireBird 1988 - BTTR
Football Glory - BlackLegend/CroTeam 1994 - BTTR
Football of the Year 2 - Gremlin 1989 - BTTR
Foundation Directors Cuts AGA (1999) Demo
Foundation Gold (2000) AGA
Fred - UbiSoft 1989 -
* Freespace - APS
Fright Night -
Frontier (Elite 2) ECS/AGA - GameTek 1993 - Aw
Fruit Mania - JP Hamilton - AM
Full Contact - Team 17 1991 - BTTR
- Aw
- AM
Full Metal Planet
Fury of the Furries - Kalisto/Minscape 1994 -
Future Basketball -
Future Wars (= Voyageurs du Temps)
Fuzzball -
Galaxy 89 -
Galaxy Force 2 - Activision/Sega - BTTR
Gauntlet - AD
Gauntlet 2 - US Gold 1986 -
Gauntlet 3 - US Gold
GBA Championship BAsketBall - Activision 1986 - BTTR
GeeBee Air Rally - Activision 1987 - BTTR
- Aw
Genesia -
Gem-X - Kaïko -
Gem-Z (freeware) - 1995 - BTTR
* Genetics Species AGA (1998)
GFL Championship FootBall - Activision 1986 - BTTR
Ghostbusters 2 - Activision 1991 - BTTR
Ghosts 'n Goblins
Ghouls & Ghosts -
Global Gladiator -
Globdule - Psygnosis 1993
Globulus - innerprise/Rainbow Arts 1990 - BTTR
Gloom Deluxe (AGA) - BlackMagic 1995 - BTTR
Gloom special ed. 97 (AGA) - BlackMagic 1997 - BTTR
Gloom 3 - AW
Goal! - Virgin Games 1993 - Aw
Gobliiins - Cocktail Vision 1991 - AM
Gobliins 2 Cocktail Vision 1992 -
Goblins 3 - Cocktail Vision 1993 -
Gods - Bitmap Brothers/Renegade 1991 -
- Aw
Golden Axe - Sega -
Gold of the Americas - SSG 1989 - BTTR
Gold of the Aztecs
GoldRunner - Microdeal 1987
GoldRunner 2 scenery disk - Microdeal 1988
GoldRush - Sierra 1989 - BTTR * Gore - Psygnosis 1990 (unrelease)
Gnius - Lankhor
Gnome (1991)
Gnome Ranger
Grand Monster Slam - Rainbow Arts 1989 - Aw
Gravity Force - KingSoft - BTTR
Great Courts 1 - BlueByte 1989 -
Great Courts 2 - BlueByte/UBI Soft - Aw
Great Escape Of Billy Burglar - freeware Thermogenesis
1993 - BTTR
Great Giana Sisters - Time Warp 1988 - Aw
Gremlins 2
Guardian AGA/CD32 - Acid Soft. 1994 - BTTR
Guild of Thieves - Magnetic Scrolls 1987 -
Gulp AGA
Gunship - Microprose 1989 -
Gunship 2000 ECS/AGA - Microprose - AW
GuySpy - Ready Soft
Hacker 2 - Activision 1985 - BTTR
HammerFist - vivid image 1990
Hannibal - StarByte 1995 - BTTR
Head Over Heels - Ocean 1990 - Aw
Heart of China - Dynamix
Heimdall - Core Design/The 8th Day 1991 - BTTR
- Aw
Heimdall 2 into the hall of worlds - Core Design 1994
- Aw
HellRaider - Atari -
* Heretic II - APS
HeroQuest - Gremlin/Computer Soft. 1991 - BTTR
HeroQuest expansion disk - Gremlin 1991
HeroQuest 2, Legend of Sorasil - Gremlin 1994
Heros -
Hero's Quest/ Quest For Glory - Sierra (PC/Amiga)
- Quest For Glory 1 So You Want to be a Hero - 1989
- Quest For Glory 2 Trial by Fire - 1990/92
- Quest For Glory 3 Wages of War - 1992 (
- Quest For Glory 4 Shadows of Darkness - 1994 (
- Quest For Glory 5 Dragon Fire - 1998 (
Hillsea Lido - 1995
History Line
Hilt, Against the Hoardes - Scorpius Soft 1994 - BTTR
Hilt 2 - Scorpius Soft 1996 - BTTR
Hired Guns - Psygnosis 1993 -
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - InfoCom 1984 -
Hollywood Hijinx - Infocom 1986 - BTTR
Hollywood Pocker - Reline Soft
Hollywood Pocker pro - Reline Soft
Hook - Ocean 1991 -
- Aw * Hostile Breed - 1992 (unrelease)
Hound of Shadow
Hoyle Book of Games - Sierra 1990 - BTTR
Hoyle Book of Games 2 - Sierra 1990 - BTTR
Hugo! - ITE Media/NBG/Silver Rock 1996 - BTTR
Hugo 2 - ITE Media/NBG 1997 - BTTR
Humans, the ECS/AGA - Mirage/GameTek 1993
Humans 3 Evolution lost in time AGA - GameTek 1993
Hunter - Activision 1992 - BTTR
- Aw
Hybris - Discovery Inc. 1988 - BTTR
- Aw
- AM
IceRunner - Magic Soft 1991
International Karate + - Archer McLean/System 3 -
- Aw
- AM
Ikari Warriors -
Immortal, the - Electronic Arts 1990
Impossamole - Gremlin 1989
Impossible Mission 2050 - AW
Indiana Jones and the temple of doom - Mindscape 1989
Indiana Jones 3 arcade - Lucas Games 1989 -
Indiana Jones 3 aventure - Lucas Games 1989 -
- Av
- Aw
Indiana Jones 4 - Lucas Games 1992 -
Indianapolis 500 - Papyrus Design/Electronics Arts
1990 - BTTR
- Aw
* Indigo - unrelease<<
Indy Heat - Sales Curve 1992
Infestation - Psygnosis 1990
Infidel - Infocom 1983 - BTTR
Innocent Until Caught - Psygnosis 1994 - (PC/Amiga)
- Av
Innocent Until Caught 2 Guilty - Psygnosis 1995 -
Interphase - Assembly Line/Image Works -HD:
In The Dead of The Night - 1994
Iridon - KingSoft 1987 - BTTR
Iron Lord - UbiSoft 1989 -
Ishar 1 - Legend of Fortress (AGA) - Silmaris 1992
- Aw
Ishar 2 - Messengers of Doom (AGA) - Silmaris 1993
- Aw
Ishar 3 - The seven gates of infinity (AGA) - Silmaris
1994 - Aw
Island of Lost Hope - Digital Concepts 1989 - BTTR
ISS - Electric Dreams -
It Came From The Desert -
Ivanhoe - Ocean 1990
Jaguar XJ 220 - Core Design 1992 - BTTR
James Pond, underwater agent - Millenium 1990 - Aw
- AM
James Pond 2, Robocod - Millenium 1991 - AM
James Pond 2, Robocod (AGA) - 1992
James Pond 3, Operation Starfish (AGA/CD32) 1994 -
James Pond, Aquabatic Games - Vectordean 1992 -
Jaws - 7screen 1975 -
Jetstrike - AW
Jim Lost in Time - AubelVision 1995
Jimmy Willburne - Chicken-Pox 1994 - Av
- Id
Jim Power - Loriciel/Digital
Concept 1992 - Aw
Joe & Mac -
John Lowe's Ultimate Darts - Gremlin 1988 - BTTR
Journey - Infocom 1989 - BTTR
* Joyride AGA (2000)
Jumpin' JackSon - Infogrames - AM
Jungle Strike - AW
Jupiters Masterdrive - UbiSoft 1990 -
Jurassik Park - AW
K240- 1994
Kargon AGA - 1996
Katakis - Factor5/Rainbow Arts 1989 -
KGB - Cryo 1993 -
- Av
Kick Off - Anco 1989 - Aw
Kick Off 2 - Anco - AM
Kid Chaos - 1994
Kidgloves - Logotron 1990 - AM
Kid Pool
King's Quest 1-2-3-4-5-6 - Sierra -
- King's Quest 1 Quest For The Crown - 1984/86
- King's Quest 1 Enhanced version - 1989 -
- King's Quest 2 Romancing the Throne - 1985/87
- King's Quest 3 To Heir is Human - 1986
- King's Quest 4 The Perils of Rosella - 1988/89
- King's Quest 5 Absence Makes the Heart go Yonder!
- 1990/91
- King's Quest 6 Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - 92 -
- King's Quest 7 The Princeless Bride (
Only) - 1994
- King's Quest 8 Mask of Eternity (
Only 3D) - 1998
Killing Cloud, The - Vector Grafix 1991 - Aw
Killing Game Show, The - Psygnosis 1990 - Aw
KingPin Bowling - Team 17 1995 -
Kiro's Quest - Vision Software/Linel 1992 - BTTR
Klax - Domark 1990
Klondike - AW
Klondike 2 AGA
Klondike 3 (HD) - 1993
Knight Force - Titus 1989
Knights - 1994
Krypton Egg - Hisoft 1990
Kult - Infogrames -
* Labyrinth of Time CD32 (1993)
* Lands of Genesis (2000-2001) - BlitterSoft/Crystal
Int. - BTTR
Last Ninja 2 - System 3 1990 - AM
Leander - Psygnosis/Traveller's Tales
Leather Goddesses of Phobos - Infocom 1986 - BTTR
Leavin' Teramis
Led Storm - CapCom 1988 -
* Legends AGA
Legend of Kyrandia - Westwood Studios (PC/Amiga) -
- Aw
- Legend of Kyrandia 2 : Hand of Fate (
- Legend of Kyrandia 3 : Malcom's Revenge (
Legend of the Lost - Impressions - BTTR
Leisure Suit Larry 1-2-3-5 - Sierra (PC/Amiga) -
- Leisure Suit Larry 1 In The Land of Lounge Lizards
- Leisure Suit Larry 1 Enhanced version 1991
- Leisure Suit Larry 2 Goes Looking For Love
- Leisure Suit Larry 3 Passionate Patti in Pursuit
of the Pulsating Pectorals
- Leisure Suit Larry 5 Passionate Patti Does a Little
Undercover Work
- Leisure Suit Larry 6 Shape Up or Slip Out (
- Leisure Suit Larry 7 Love for Sail (
Lemmings - Psygnosis/DMA Design 1990 - Aw
- AM
Lemmings 2, the Tribes - Psygnosis/DMA Design - BTTR
Lemmings 3 All New Worlds of Lemmings (AGA) - 1994
- AW - AM
Lemmings Holiday 93 -
Lemmings Holiday 94 -
Lemmings Xmas -
Lemmingoïd 2 (DP)
Lethal Weapon - Ocean - Id
Lethal Xcess (aka Wings of Death 2) - Thalion - AM
Lethal Formula (AGA) - (freeware) Drosoft 1995 - BTTR
Liberator - 1992
Lion Heart - Thalion
Soft -
Lion King (AGA) * Liquid Kids - Ocean 1992
unrelease - Aw<<
* Litil Divil AGA/CD32 - Gremlin
1994 - BTTR
Little Computer People - Activision
1986 - BTTR
LodeRunner (Androïd)
Logic - BlackLegend/MuffBusters 1993 - BTTR
Logical - Rainbow Arts 1991 - Aw
- AM
Lombard RAC Rally - RedHat/Mandarin Soft 1988 - BTTR
Loom - Lucas Art 1990 -
- Aw
Lords of the Realm (ECS/AGA) - 1993 - BTTR
Lords of War - Digital Concept 1989 - BTTR
Lost Patrol, The - Ocean 1991 - Aw
Lost Vikings - Interplay/Silicon & Synapse 1993
- Aw
Lotus Turbo Esprit Challenge - Gremlin/Magnetic Fields
90 - BTTR
- Aw
Lotus 2 - Gremlin/Magnetic Fields 1991 - BTTR
Lotus 3 - Gremlin/Magnetic Fields 1992 - BTTR
Lotus Trilogy CD32 - BTTR
Lure of the Tempress - Revol. Soft/Westwood 92 - BTTR
- Aw
- Av
Lurking Horror, The - Infocom 1987 - BTTR
Mach 3 - Loriciel 1988
MadHouse Indian Spirit - 1995
Magic Boy - Entertainment international 1993
Magic Cauldron (1993)
Magic Jumper - Megalith 1990
Magic Lines - Thalion
Magic Pockets - Bitmap Brothers -
Malediction AGA -
Manager, The - Software 2000 - 1991 - Aw
ManHunter 1: NewYork - Sierra/Evryware 1988 - BTTR
ManHunter 2: San Francisco - Sierra 1989 - BTTR
Maniac Mension - Lucas Games 1987 -
Maniax - KingSoft 1987 - BTTR
Marble Madness - Electronics Art 1986 -
Marvin's Marvellous Adventure AGA - BTTR
MASH - 1995
Master Axe - 1996
Master Blaster - 1994
Master Blaster 2.2 - 1995
Master Blazer - LucasGame 1990
Matrix Marauder - Psyclapse 1990 -
Maupiti Island - Lankhor
1990 -
- Av
- Aw
- AM
Mean Street - Av
Mega Boulderdash - 1995
Megaball 4 (AGA) - 1995
Megalomania - ImageWorks 1991
MegArts Hocket - MegArts 1995 - BTTR
Mega Motion
Mega Race
Menace - DMA Design/Psygnosis 1988 - Aw
Mercs - US Gold 1991
Metal Mutant -
Mickey Mouse - Gremlin 1989 - BTTR
Micromachines - Codemasters 1992 - AM
Microprose soccer -
Midnight Resistance
Mighty Bombjack -
Mike the Magic Dragon - KingSoft 1987 - BTTR
Millenium 2.2 - Electric Dreams/Software Studios 1989
Mindfighter - Abstract Concept 1988 - BTTR * Miracle Bat - 1993 (unrelease)
Moktar, les aventures de - 1991 -
Monkey Island, The Secret of - Lucas Games 1990 -
- Aw
- Id
Monkey Island 2, LeChuck Revenge - Lucas Games 1991
- Id
MoonBlaster - Loriciel 1990
MoonMist - Infocom 1986 - BTTR
Moonstone - Mindscape 1991 - Aw
- AM
Morph ECS/AGA - 1993
Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat 2 - Acclaim
Morteville Manor - Lankhor
1988 - BTTR
Mr Nutz - Ocean/Neon -
Murder In Space - Infogrames 1990 -
Mystical -
Myth - System 3 1992 -
* Napalm AGA (1998)
NARC - Ocean 1990
NarcoPolice - Dinamic 1991 -
Nathan Never - 1993
Naughty Ones (AGA) - AW
Navy Seals
Nebulus - Hewson 1988 - AM
Nebulus 2 pogo a pogo - 21st Century 1991
Neuromancer - Interplay 1989
Neuronics - Thalion 1989
Never Ending Story II - Linel 1990 - AM
Never Mind - Psyclapse/Psygnosis 1989
New Year Lemmings 92
New Zealand Story - Ocean 1989 - Aw
- AM
Nicky Boom! - Microïds - Al
Nicky Boom 2 -
Night Hunter -
* NightLong AGA
Night Shift - 1990
Ninja Rabbits - Am
Ninja Warriors -
Nitro -
No Second Prize - Thalion
North & South - Infogrames - AM
Nuclear War - New World Computing - AM
Nucleus - Microtec/Mutation Soft 1990 - BTTR
Nudies Memory - Hight Speed Soft -
Obitus - Psygnosis 1991
Obliterator - Psygnosis 1988
Obsession Pinball AGA - 1995
* Odyssey AGA (HD) - AW
Oh No! More Lemmings... - Psygnosis/DMA Design - AM
OldTimer (engl/german) - Max Design/Alcatraz - BTTR
* OnEscapee, Another World 2
AGA (HD) - 1997 - DEMO
On the ball
Operation Jupiter - Infogrames 1988 - Aw
Operation Lemmings - BTTR
Operation Stealth - Delphine Soft. 1992 -
- Av
- Aw
Operation Wolf - Ocean 1988 - Aw
Ork - Psygnosis -
Oscar AGA/CD32 -
Outfall - 1995
OutLiner (AGA) - Scorpius Soft 1996 - BTTR
Outrun Europa 91
Outzone - Lankhor
1991 - BTTR
Overdrive - Team17 1993 -
Overlander - 1989
Overlander - 1993
Over the Net -
PacLand - Grandslam 1989
PacMania - Namco/GrandSlam 1989 - Am
- AM
Paladin 2 - Impressions/Omnitred 1993 - BTTR
Pang - Ocean/Mitchell - AM
Pang 2 - Ocean/Mitchell -
Panza Kick Boxing - Futura 1990 - Aw
Paper Boy - 1989
Paper Boy 2 - 1992
Parachute -
Paradroïd 90 - GraftGold/Hewson 1990 - BTTR
Paramax - KingSoft/Atod 1991 - BTTR
Parasite - 1995
Parasite 2
Parasol Stars - Ocean 1992 -
Passagers du Vent 1, les - Infogrames 1988 -
Passagers du Vent 2, les - Infogrames 1988 -
Patrician,The - 1992
* Payback (2001)
PeeBee - 1994
Pegasus - Gremlin 1991 - BTTR
Pengo - 1994
Pengo 2 - 1994
Penguins AGA - 1996
Penthouse Hot Numbers - Magic Bytes 1992
Penthouse Hot Numbers Deluxe - Magic Bytes 1993 -
Pepsi - All over the world - 1991
Perihelion AGA - Psygnosis 1993 -
Persecutors - 1985
Persian Gulf Inferno - 1989
Personal Nightmare - 1989 -
Phalanx - KingSoft 1987 - BTTR
Phalanx 2 - KingSoft 1987 - BTTR
Phantasie - SSI 1987 -
Phuck the world - 1994
Pinball Dreams - Digital Illusion 1992 - BTTR
- Aw
- AM
- Id
Pinball Dreams 2 Demo = Pinball Fantasies - Digital
Pinball Hazard - 1996
Pinball Fantasies ECS/AGA - Digital Illusion 1992
- AM
Pinball Illusion AGA/CD32 - Digital Illusion 1995
- Aw
- AM
Pinball Magic - Loriciel
Pnball Mania AGA - 1995
Pinball Prelude ECS/AGA - 1995
Pinball Wizzard - KingSoft 1987 - BTTR
Pinkie AGA - 1994
Pipe Mania
Pirates! Gold - Microprose 1990 -
Pirates! Gold (AGA) - Microprose 1990
Pitch 'n Putt - 1996
Pit-Fighter - Domark 1991
Planet Fall - Infocom 1983 - BTTR
Platoon - Ocean 1986 -
* Plubz AGA - 1997
Police Quest 1-2-3 - Sierra - BTTR
- Police Quest 1 In Pursuit of the Death Angel - 1987
- Police Quest 1 Enhanced version 1991
- Police Quest 2 The Vengeance - 1988
- Police Quest 3 The Kindred - 1990
- Police Quest 4 Open Season - 1993 (
- Police Quest S. W. A. T. - 1995 (
- Police Quest S. W. A. T. 2 - 1998 (
Popoulus - BullFrog
Popoulus 2 - BullFrog 1990 - AM
Portal - Activision 1986 - BTTR
PotPanic - KingSoft 1990 - BTTR
PowerDrift - Activision 1989 - BTTR
Powerdrive - 1994
PowerDrome - Electronics
Arts -
PowerMonger - Bull Frog 1990 -
PowerStyx -
PP Hammer - Raveling Bits/Demon Ware 1991 -
Predator - Activision 1987 - BTTR
Prehistorik - Titus -
Prehistorik 2 - Titus (PC) (unrelease)
Prehistorik Tale, a - Thalion 1990
Premiere - Core Design/The 8th Day 1992 - BTTR
Premiere CD32 - Acdldp
Primal Rage (AGA) - AW
Prime Mover - Psygnosis/InterActivision
Prince of Persia - Broderbund 1990 - Aw
- AM
Project-X - Team 17 1992 - BTTR
- Al
Project-X special edition 93 - Team 17 - BTTR
- Aw
- AM
Project-X new levels
Projectyle - Electronic Arts 1990 -
Pssst AGA - 1995
PsychoSquares - DarkUnicorn Prod 1994 - BTTR
Puggsy - Traveller's Tales 1993
Purple Saturn Day - Exxos
Push Over - Ocean - * Putty Squad - System3 (unrelease)
Q-Ball - 1987
Q-Bic - Codemasters 1992
Qix - Taïto 1989 - AM
Quadrix - Soft. Enterprise 1991
Quartz - FireBird 1998 -
Quasar - White Panther 1989
Quest for Glory 2 - Sierra - BTTR
Quête de l'Oiseau du Temps, la - Infogrames
1988/89 -
- Aw
* Quik & Silva - Entactogenic Design 1996
Quik the thunder rabbit - Titus 1994
Qwak - Team 17 - 1993
RAH 66 Comache Flight Simulator - 1994
Rainbow Island (Bubble Bobble 2) - Taïto/Ocean
1987 - Aw
Rally Championship ECS/AGA - 1994
Rally Cross Challenge
Rampage - Activision 1989 - BTTR
- AM
Rampart - Domark - AM * Ramrod - Gremlin 1990 (unrelease)
Ramses - 1992
Ranx - UbiSoft 1990
Rat Trap - 1991
Reach fot the Skies - 1992
Real Ghostbusters - Activision 1987 - BTTR
Realm of Mayessae - Accursed Toys 1988 - BTTR
RedBaron - Sierra/Dynamix 1991 - BTTR
Relics of Deldroneye 2 HD
Resolution 101 - Millenium 1990
Return To Genesis - FireBird 1988 - Rick
Dangerous - Core Design/FireBirds 1989 - Aw
- AM Rick
Dangerous 2 - Core Design/Microstyle 1990 - Aw
- AM Rick
Dangerous 2.5 Extra levels - Core Design 1991
Rings of Medusa - Starbyte 1989 - BTTR
Rise of the Robots (AGA) - AW -
Risky Woods - Zeux & Dinamix 1991
Road Blasters - US Gold 1988
RoadKill (AGA) - VisionSoft 1995 - BTTR
- AW
Road Wars - Arcadia System 1987 (Arcade)
Robbeary - Anco 1988
Robin Hood - Av
Robinson Requiem (AGA) - AW -
Robocop - Ocean
Robocop 2 - Ocean
Robocop 3 - Ocean
Rocketeer - Infogrames
Rocket Ranger - Cinemaware 1988 - Aw
Rock'n Roll - Rainbow Arts 1989 -
RodLand - Sales Curve/Jaleco
1991 - Aw
Roll-Out - Procovision 1989
Rork's Drift - Impressions 1990 - BTTR
R-Type - Factor5/ElectricDreams 1989 - Factor5
- AM
R-Type 2 - Activision 1990 - BTTR
- AM
Rubicon - 21th Century 1992 -
Ruff'n Tumble (AGA) -
Sabre Team - 1994
Sabre Team (AGA)
Saint Dragon - Sales Curve 1990 -
Sarakon - 1990
Saturday Night Snooker - 1995
Scorpion - Digital Magic Soft. -
ScrollingWalls - KingSoft 1988 - BTTR
SDI - Cinemaware/Master Designer Software/Mindscape
1986 - BTTR
Second Samuraï ECS/AGA - Psygnosis/Vivid Image
1993 - BTTR
Sector One - 1992
Sensible Golf - 1995
Sensible Massacre - 1994
Sensible Massacre 2 - 1994
Sensible World of Soccer - Sensible Soft. 1996 - Aw
Sensible World of Moon Soccer (demo)
Seven Gates of Jambala, The - 1989
Seven Tiles - 1994
Shadow Dancer - US Gold 1989 -
Shadow Fighter AGA/CD32 - Gremlin 1995 - BTTR
Shadow Lands Shadow
of the Beast 1 - Psygnosis/Reflections 1989 -
- AM
- Al
Shadow of the Beast 2 - Psygnosis/Reflections 1990
- Aw
- AM
- Al
Shadow of the Beast 3 - Psygnosis/Reflections 1992
- Aw
- AM
- Al
Shadoworlds - 1993
Shangaï - Activision 1986 - BTTR
Shaq Fu AGA - 1994
Sherman M4
Shinobi - Sales Curve 1989 - Aw
* Shogo MAD - APS
Short Grey - Accrosoft/Alcatraz -
intro only) - Av
Shuffle Puck Cafe - Broderbund
Sidewinder - Arcadia 1988 -
SideWinder 2 -
SideShow - Actionware 1989 -
Silent Service 1 -
Silent Service 2 -
Silkworm - Sales Curve -
Simon the Sorcerer - Adventure Soft. 1993
Simon le Sorcier - Adventure Soft. -
Simon the Sorcerer (AGA) - Adventure Soft.
Simon le Sorcier (AGA) - Adventure Soft. -
* Simon le Sorcier II (AGA)
CD32 - Adventure Soft. - APS
Simpsons - Ocean
Simulcra - GraftGold 1990
* Sixth Sense Investigations
AGA - Islona Ent./Cinetech/Epic 1998 - BTTR
Sirius 7 - Art Software 1990 - BTTR
SkeletonKrew (AGA) - AW - BTTR
Skid Marks - Acid Soft 1994 - BTTR
Skid Marks 2 (ECS/AGA) - Acid Soft 1995 - BTTR
Skrull - 16/32 Edition -
Skweek - Loriciel
SkyFox 2
SlamTilt (AGA) - AW
Sleepwalker ECS/AGA - Ocean/CTA Dev 1992 - Aw
Sliders - Microïds 1990
Slighty Magic - Codemasters 1991
Sly Spy - Ocean
Sly Spy 2 the revenge - Ocean 1992
Smatch the Beast (AGA) - AW
Snooker - Virgin Games/Archer McLean * SnowBros - Ocean 1991 -
Soccer Kid - Krysalis 1994 -
SoccerKing - KingSoft 1988 - BTTR
Sorcerer's Apprentice - Art Software - BTTR
Solomon'sKey - Spherical -
Ace - Ready Soft
Space Ace 2 - Ready Soft
Space Crusade - Gremlin 1992 - BTTR
Space Crusade expansion - Gremlin 1992 - BTTR
Space Gun - 1992 -
Space Harrier - Grandstand/Elite 1989 - Aw
Space Harrier 2 - Elite 1989
Space Hulk - 1993 -
Space Invasion - 1993
Space Quest 1-2-3-4-5 - Sierra -
- Space Quest 1 The Sarien Encounter - 1986/87 - AM
- Space Quest 1 Enhanced version 90/91 - Sierra -
- Space Quest 2 Vohaul's Revenge - 1987 - AM
- Space Quest 3 The Pirates of Pestulon - 1989
- Space Quest 4 Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers -
- Space Quest 5 Roger Wilco in the Next Mutation -
- Space Quest 6 The Spinal Frontier - 1995 (
Spacer - 1994
Space Racer - Loriciels
1988 -
SpeedBall - Bitmap Brothers 1988 - Aw
- AM
SpeedBall 2 - Bitmap Brothers/Image Works 1990 - Aw
- AM
Speris Legacy (AGA) - Team17 1996 - AW
Spherical (Solomon's Key) -
Spherical Worlds - 1996
Spindizzy Worlds - Activision 1989 - BTTR
Spirit of Excalibur - 1990 - AD
Splat - 1996
Spy Who Loved Me, The - 1990
Stable Master - EPS Soft. - AM
StarBlade - Silmaris 1990 -
StarBlaze - Prism Leisure 1989
StarCrusader (AGA) - AW
StarDust - Blood House -
StarGlider - Rainbird 1986
StarGlider 2 the Egron's Strike Back - Rainbird 1989
Stargoose -
StarRush - UbiSoft 1992 -
Startrek 25th (AGA) - AW - Av
Storm Lord -
Street Racer (CD32/AGA) - Vivid Image/UBI Soft 1997
Stunt Car Racer - Microstyle 1989 - BTTR
- Aw
- AM
Striker - Impressions 1990 - BTTR
Strider 2
Stryx - Psyclapse/Psygnosis 1989
SubWar 2050 (AGA) - AW * Sukiya - Lankhor 1992 (unrelease) * Sun Shu Si - Explose Soft
1991 (unrelease)<
Atari version
Super Cars - Gremlin/Magnetic Fields 1990
Super Cars 2 - Gremlin/Magnetic Fields 1991 - BTTR
- Aw
- AM
Super Cauldron - Titus 1993
Super Frog - Team 17 1993 - BTTR
- Aw
- AM
Super Hang On - Activision/Electronic Dream 1988 -
- Aw * Super Hero - Psygnosis
1992 (unrelease)<
demo preview
Super Monaco GP -
Super Offroad
Super Skweek - Loriciel 1990
Super Sky 2
Super Space Invaders - Domark
Super StarDust (AGA/CD32) - Team17 1994 - AW
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (AGA) - AF
- AW
SWIV (SilkWorm IV) - Sales Curve/Storm 1990 - Aw
- AM
SwitchBlade - Core Design/Gremlin -
SwitchBlade 2 - Gremlin -
Sword of Sodan - Discovery Soft 1989 - BTTR
- Aw
Syndicate - Bull Frog/Electronic Arts 1993 - Aw
* Tales from Heaven CD32 (2000)
* Tales of Tamar (2000) deutch demo
Targhan - Silmaris 1989
Talisman - 1992
Team Susuki - Gremlin 1991 - BTTR
- Aw
Tearaway Thomas - David Hanney/Soundware 1992- BTTR
Tecnoball - TLK Games 1991
TecnoballZ AGA
Teenage Queen
Teeny Weenys AGA - 1995
Teller, the - UbiSoft 1989
Tennis Cup - Loriciel 1991 - Aw
Tennis Cup 2 - * Tentacle - Milleniul 1991
Terminator 2 arcade - Ocean 1993 -
Terminator 2 Judgement Day - Ocean 1991 -
Testament AGA - 1996
Tetris Pro - 2000 Ad. - BTTR
Tetrys 95 -
Tie Break ECS/CD32 - BTTR
Tiger Road - Capcom 1987 - Aw
Tilt - 1991
Time Bandits -
Time Keepers - 1995
Tintin sur la Lune - Infogrames -
Tin Toy Adventure - Mutation Soft 1996 - BTTR
- AW
Tiny Skweeks -
loriciel 1992
Tiny Troops - Mindscape 1995
The Amazing Spiderman -
The Cartoons - Loriciel
1993 - BTTR
The Chessmaster 2000 - 1996 -
The Clue (AGA) - AW
The Empire Strikes Back - Ocean 1988 -
* The Feeble Files -
The Light Corridor - Infogrames 1990 - AM
The Pawn
The Perfect General - 1991
The Plague
The Running Man - GrandSlam 1989 -
Settlers - BlueByte - BTTR
- AM
* The Strangers (1997)
The Wall
Thromulus - 1991
ThunderBlade - Sega 1988 - Aw
ThunderBoy - Rainbow Arts 1987 -
ThunderDawn - Andrew Campbell 1996 - BTTR
ThunderHawk AH-73M - Core Design 1991 - BTTR
- Aw
Theme Park (AGA) -AW
Toki (version playable preview) - Ocean - -
- Aw
- Al
* Tommy Gun - Mutation Soft 1996 - BTTR
* Torque AGA (freeware) - Shoah 1997 - BTTR
Torvak the Warrior - Core Design 1991 - BTTR
Total Eclipse - 1989
Total Excess - 1994
Total Football - 1996
Total Recall - 1990
Tower of Babel - Activision 1987 - BTTR
Tower of Souls (AGA) - AW
Toyota Celica GT Rally (AGA) - 1990
Transartica -
Trap Em - 1995
* Trapped AGA (HD) - 1996
Traps 'n Treasures - Starbyte 1993
Treasure Trap - Electronic Zoo 1989
Trolls (AGA) -
Troodlers - Sales Curve/AIOD Design -
Tubulars Worlds ECS/AGA - 1994
Turbo Jam AGA - (Phelios) - 1995
Turrican - Rainbow Arts/Factory
5 1990 - AD
- Aw
- AM
Turrican 2 - Factor5
1991 - Aw
- AM
- Al
Turrican 3 - Factor5
1993 - Aw
- AM
- Al
TV Sport BasketBall -
TwinTris - Svein Berge
TwinWorld - BlueByte/UBI Soft -
T-Racer (1994) - Virtual Dreams
* T-Zer0 (1999)
U Chess AGA
Ugh! -
Ultima 3 Exodus - Origin Systems 1983/86 -
Ultimate Body Blows (AGA/CD32) - Team17 1994
Ultimate Pinball Quest
Ultimate Quiz 2 - 1995
Ultimatum AGA - 1995
Universal Monsters -
Universal Warrior
Universe - Core Design 1994 -
Uninvited - Iccm 1987 -
Unreal (Hd) - UBI Soft/Ordilogic 1990 - AF
- Aw
UNSquadron - US Gold 1990
Uridium 2 - GraftGold/Renegade 1993 - BTTR
- AM
Uridium 2 AGA
* Uropa 2 (1996)
Utopia - Gremlin 1991 - BTTR
Valhalla and the lord of infinity - Vulcan Soft 1994
Valhalla 2 before the war - Vulcan Soft 1995 - BTTR
Vaxine - US Gold 1990 -
Video Kid - Core Design 1992 - BTTR
Virocop (AGA) - GraftGold/Renegade 1995 - AW - BTTR
* Virtual Balls Fighters (2000)
Virtual Karting (AGA) - 1995 - AW
Vital Light - 1994
Vixen - LTD - AM
Volfied - Taïto/Tamco/Empire Software - 1991
Voyages of Discovery - 1995
Voyageurs du Temps, les - Delphine Soft -
- Av
- Aw
Vroom! - Lankhor
1991 - BTTR
- Aw
Walker - Psygnosis/DMA Design 1993 -
WarZone - Core Design 1991 - BTTR
* Wasted Dreams (1999)
Watchtower AGA - 1995
Ween the Prophecy - Cocktail Vision -
Weird Dreams - Microprose
Welltris - 1990
Wendetta 2175 HD AGA
Wild Streets -
Willie Beamish Adventure - Dynamix
Wing Commander - 1990
Wingnuts AGA - 1997
Wings - Cinemaware 1990 - Aw
Wings of Death - Thalion 1990 - AM
- Al
Wings of Death 2 - Lethal Xcess - Thalion - AM
Wings of Fury - Broderbund - AM
* WipeOut 2097 PPC/Warp3D
Wizball - AD
Wiz Kid - Ocean/Sensible Soft 1992 -
Wiz 'n Lize -
Wheelspin (AGA) - AW
White Rabbits - 1996
Whizz (AGA) - AW
Who Framed Roger Rabbit ? - Buena Vista Soft 1988
Wolfchild - Core Design 1992 - BTTR
WonderBoy 2 in Monsterland - Activision 1987 - BTTR
WonderDog - Core Design 1993 - BTTR
Woody's World - VisionSoft 1993 - BTTR
Workoholic - 1995
World Class Leader Board -
Worlds of Legend - Mindscape 1993
Worms - Team 17 1994
* Worms Director Cuts AGA - Team 17 1997 -
WormOut 2097 - BTTR
Wrath of the Demon - Ready Soft 1990
Xenon - Bitmap Brothers 1988 - Aw
- AM
Xenon 2 MegaBlast - Bitmap Brohters/Assembly Line
1989 - Aw
- AM
Xenon 3 (freeware) - BTTR
X-It - 1994
XP8 (AGA) - AW
XTreme Racing (AGA) - AW
X-Out - Rainbow Arts 1989 - Aw
- AM
Yo! Joe - Hudson Soft/Playbyte 1993 -
Zack MacKracken - Lucas Games 1988 - Av
- Aw
Zarathrusta - BTTR
Zaxxon - BTTR
Ziriax - BTTR
Zombi - UbiSoft -
Zombie 2 (AGA)
Zool - Gremlin 1992 - BTTR
- Aw
Zool 2 - Gremlin - BTTR
- AM
Zork 1 - Infocom
Zork 2 - Infocom
Zork 3 - Infocom
Zero - Infocom
Z-Out - Rainbow Arts
1990 - Aw
- Al